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Ei Arakawa: Dance, Not Yet Titled

Ei Arakawa: Dance, Not Yet Titled

Ei Arakawa: Dance, Not Yet Titled
July 12 2008
Toying with notions of art production, Ei Arakawa works with numerous participants to create energized performances that he broadly refers to as “market.” For this exhibition, he has collaborated with dancers and writers on a group of open-ended texts about objects in transition, leading to a series of amorphous performances that will occur over the course of the exhibition—all of which will contribute to a developing installation in the gallery space. In this show, texts printed on fabric hang from rolling racks and will remain in the exhibition space when not being used for rehearsals and performances. Adhering to the participatory and unkempt approach that interests Arakawa, the public events include the spectators themselves, turning his communal projects into spontaneous gatherings of people in which roles and definitions are constantly shifted and re-shaped. Arakawa’s practice is a celebration of instability and a ritual of exchange that never becomes static.
July 12 2008