Younger Than Jesus: Artist Directory
Younger Than Jesus: Artist Directory. 2009; 540 pages; paperback; col. ill. Celebrating the present and anticipating the future of contemporary art, Younger Than Jesus: Artist Directory introduces over 500 of the best artists under thirty-three years of age from around the world, represented in 544 pages by both short biographies and more than 2,000 color illustrations of artwork.
Edited by Lauren Cornell, Massimiliano Gioni, and Laura Hoptman and assembled by a worldwide team of curators, writers, teachers, critics, and artists during the research phase of the New Museum’s new Triennial exhibition, “Younger Than Jesus,” the publication captures an imminent generational change in art, exploring how artists from the same age group can and cannot develop similar interests and express similar—and dissimilar—concerns across geographies and nationalities. An indispensable handbook for curators, collectors, dealers, and critics, Younger Than Jesus: Artist Directory also serves as an unparalleled visual guide for anyone interested in the latest artistic innovations.
10 x 11 ½ in
Funding: J. McSweeney and G. Mills Publication Fund at the New Museum